This web site is still in its early pre-planning stages and what you currently see here are some somewhat functional resources pertaining to the larger objectives. Those objectives are primarily to encourage local believers in any neighborhood around the world to read the Bible, (re-?)discover God and His presence, become disciples, and make disciples, independently of or in complement to the auspices of the institutional church.

Some local neighbors who are coming to this web site have received Bibles at their door along with perhaps an invitation to be prayed for. If that is you, in case you were wondering, those efforts and this web site are not a direct representation of any of:

  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS, or Mormons)
  • Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Seventh Day Adventists
  • International Churches of Christ
  • Roman Catholic Church
  • Southern Baptist Convention
  • Any "other" faith or denomination

The only interests on this web site are fully appreciating the Bible and obeying it, nothing added authoritatively but only the ongoing fellowship of God's spirit among the people who seek Him. For the record, the creator of this site wants only to support Jesus's unbranded church.

This also means that this site intends to encourage Christian neighbors to discover and support one another as a network of believers, including in fellowship, in discipleship, and in practical support.

We believe this site will help where God desires you and all of us to:

  • Find established resources and churches, where believers can assemble, sing to God together, and glean from prepared messages.
  • Discover house fellowships, where love and true participation with the Body of Christ can occur and Jesus is free to minister to everyone individually in a group setting.
  • Find other believers as they willfully make themselves vulnerable to other believers, so that we can all support one another.
  • Interact with one another online and share discipleship-producing content, using basic social network features.
  • Reach out to the world, show people God's love, and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

We will be building out features to assist in these things and more.