I believe in God, that He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe the Father loves me. I believe God came in the flesh as Jesus to shed his blood to save me. I believe Jesus resurrected on the third day, and he sits on his throne over Heaven and Earth. I believe the Holy Spirit is training me, and defends me. I believe I exist for the purpose of partnering with the spirit of God to rule over the earth, in love and in His glory. I believe Earth is a birthing ground for humanity, the follow-up magnificent creation to follow the creation of angels. I believe that all evil on Earth, having been created in origin by the Father, exists to teach and test us, to prove us, to separate us and identify those of us who recognize Jesus as our savior, and to reveal the glory of God's goodness. I believe that Lucifer is a most privileged and glorious angel, who fell from God's glory in his pride. He caused other angels to fall with him, and they are imprisoned. I believe that demons are disembodied spirits, mostly from before the flood, who were hybrid, half-human creatures. I believe that while one day we will be judging angels, even fallen angels, we in Christ have authority to judge demons today. They are a lesser form of life, and they cannot be salvaged by the grace of Jesus. I believe that Father demands righteousness, but He is our Great Orchestrator and our provider. I believe that the Son has a special appreciation for the personalities and emotions of people. I perceive that Jesus sees himself as a brother as much as he sees himself as our father. I believe that the Holy Spirit is the proactive executor and messenger for Father and Son. I believe that earthly marriage is a temporary, earthly, fleshly activity, but that it is a profound and magnificent reflection of the marriage between Jesus and his bride, the bride of Christ.