... we are family, born again children of the Most High. How then can we know each other and grow with one another? Let us use any tools and means necessary to be His local and global church, disciples of Christ, ambassadors of the kingdom, and noble people of dignity under the auspices of the throne.
Meet together, online or in person. Praise and worship Jesus together. Teach one another. Admonish and exhort. Pray for one another in love.
Develop tools and skills to reach out to your neighbors and discover the family.
Post your thoughts or publish articles pertaining to the faith, receive feedback from other believers.
Find or create opportunities to demonstrate God's love in your community, bringing food, clothing, or whatever is otherwise needed to meet people's needs.
Find and support organizations that are reaching around the world to share the love of Jesus, or go yourself.
Jesus is alive, and so is His body. Share a thought, or share a link, and get immediate feedback.
Identify your circles. Interact directly with other members, and find like-minded friends.
Share rich detail on what God has revealed, or embellish on Bible study highlights, doctrinal studies, prophetic words, or open prayers.
Gather friends to enjoy activities together. Grow together, and engage with the world around you.